Discover Biella,
the tourist guide of Biella.

Discover Biella,
the tourist guide of Biella.


Palazzo Ferrero is located in the historic setting of Biella Piazzo, an ideal place to host important and diversified cultural events.

Palazzo Ferrero was built between the fifteenth and sixteenth century by the Ferrero family, was in the past the residence of the Ferrero Fieschi of Masserano. The branch of the Princes of Masserano became extinct in 1831. The palace was inherited by La Marmora: it was rented and used in various ways, from offices of the Intendency to a fabric and dye factory. Since 1864, the Palace has been brought to a new splendor, becoming a prestigious Hydrotherapy Plant and remained in business until the end of the century. It then passed municipal property, was used as a military convalescent and then as a barracks.

Today a Temporary Association of Scope led by the UpbEduca Popular University, will take care of the management of Palazzo Ferrero. The association is also formed by the Centro Studi Generazioni e Luoghi, by the Accademia Perosi, by BI Young and by the Consorzio Sociale Orizzonti. The intention is to place at the center of Palazzo Ferrero education and training, temporary exhibitions, musical initiatives with an alternation of events, festivals and cultural shows.

The idea is the birth of a cultural center located in the heart of Biella Piazzo animated thanks to the activities carried out at Palazzo Ferrero, Palazzo La Marmora, Palazzo Gromo Losa in full synergy between them.